Saturday, February 26, 2011

Should you get an IPAD?

Another invention by Apple and Steve Jobs has hit the market. Everyone's talking about the latest Apple product, the Ipad, and I'm sure it's even come up in your household at home. Show I get an Ipad?
First you should think, do I really need this? Do I want it? But then again, it's not one of those typical products. This invention may be similar to the invention of the car, or the airplane. It revolutionizes how we live. Before computers was a thing that required learning, and even some were called nerds. The iPad can be used by a barbaric man 2000 years
ago because simply, if you have tried it, it requires no skill. You look at it and work, play games, listen to music, watch TV, do you homework on it, and even go from place to place effortlessly. The glossy screen just captures your attention and squinting your eyes is a thing of the past.
So that's why you should get an Ipad. Why shouldn't you get an Ipad? Both arguments should be made and hopefully I can hit the nose on both so that you can make a sound decision based on my effort to make this the most unbiased tech article on the Ipad.
First of all, the Ipad hits a hard note at a minimum price of $500. That's a whole lot of money. Specially speaking since the iPad only cost approximately half that amount to produce and make. If you wallet is feeling thin, now may not be the best time to invest in a fancy piece of technology. Consider the wife, the kids and the food on the table every night. What will they think? Watching you play effortless on a tech device whiles their stomachs growl. Now that's just selfish.
Second, its the first generation of the iPad. Expect to see at least 5-10 more evolutions of these. Who knows how far Apple is willing to take this new product for a run. The fact is, the iPad today will look like a piece of junk in about a year as the new Ipad2 will just wipe the smile off your face. It'll probably include a video camera, mutli-tasking abilities and better battery.
When it comes down to deciding, you should consider both arguments that are laid in front and make the wisest choice. You only live once

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