Monday, February 21, 2011


Man boobs are embarrassing because it can give guys kind of an hour glass figure. It makes them look soft and feminine. Many men find themselves troubled with this issue, and often, they are too embarrassed to do anything about it. This doesn't have to be you, though. No matter what your problem with man boobs are, you'll find that there are solutions that are available to you.
What are two main causes for men growing man boobs or just as commonly known as moobs?
1. In the first group there is a medical condition called gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a hormonal imbalance where the body increases the production of estrogen and decreases the production of testosterone. Many times this can be a side effect of other medications you are taking throwing off your hormone balance. In this case medical advice should be sought after.

2. In the second group men who are over weight and don't get enough exercise grow fatty tissue covering the pectoral muscle and it comes to resemble a women's breast. This can be stopped by taking control of your diet and eating the right foods; and by doing the proper exercises.
Are there any drugs that will reduce man boobs?
When you are trying to restore hormone balance, you'll find that there are several things that you need to keep in mind. It's not as simple as taking a pill or getting a shot; the hormone balance in your body is an individual thing and you might find that you need to work to find the right combination of factors for you. Usually, for most people, it's a matter of getting their diet and their exercise under control. However, keep in mind that healthy people develop man boobs too and that you think about the diet you are keeping to and your exercise as well.
Should I get surgery?
Surgery is a quick fix, possibly the quickest one possible, but it doesn't address the hormones issue. If fat was the only problem, than surgery would fix it permanently, but this is seldom the case. If you have the surgery done and the hormonal issue hasn't been taken care of, you'll end up actually growing the man boobs again. Starting with the correct exercise and diet and chances are you'll never have to think about surgery.
Avoid foods which are high in simple carbohydrates because they will contribute to the problem. You must do cardiovascular exercises to burn calories as well as weight training to strengthen the pectoral muscles. Also, make sure that you do your exercise in bursts to make it most effective. This will ensure a reduction in your man boobs.
With work, you won't resemble your girlfriend when you take your shirt off at the beach. You will actually gain a new confidence in your self again and you will be living a much healthier life style.

1 comment:

  1. Visit only a certified surgeon to ensure safety and great result. Always do a little background check before you actually entrust your body to the sugeon.
