Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Cupid cannot always be trusted to aim accurately. By simple planning and incorporating foods that evoke sensual pleasure, Valentine's Day (or night) will be a sure fire hit.
Legend has it, that aphrodisiacs( foods that arouse) refer to the Greek goddess of sexual rapture Aphrodite, mother of Cupid, who is reputed to delighting in pranks and spreading love.
Ancient cultures developed love potion theories believing foods that resembled genitalia led to sexual desire. Foods were sought out for appearance of phallic symbols:

that included bananas, carrots, asparagus, and advacados, Aztecs called this fruit bearing tree the "testicle tree". Female symbolic foods were eggs, peaches, pomegranates, ( "love apples" stated to be the actual apple that tempted Eve) vulva like oysters and ovary resembling figs. These classical aprodisiac foods actually are tied to sexual function, because of the nutrients, minerals, steroids and vitamins they contain that keep sexual organs healthy.
Evidence suggests that sexual desire begins in the brain called the hypothalamus, which also whets our appetite for food and drink. That helps to explain romantic dinners and human courtship displays. Humans are equipped with a sensory system that likely processes pheromones (chemicals the body emits to attract individuals) it is located in an organ called the Jacobson's organ between the mouth and nose. Research has been done that found that persons who had lost their sense of smell also had lost interest in sex. Dr. Alan Hirsch began experimenting with these findings and discovered that both men and women were turned on by the scent of pumpkin pie and lavender, other findings were men:doughnuts and black licorce. And for women, black licorce and baby powder.(Are you getting ideas for dessert?) When preparing food for this special day remember aroma plays an important role.
The top five favorites, in order are chocolate, strawberries, ice cream, pasta and whipped cream. Our number one choice, chocolate contains caffeine that seems to produce a rise in blood pressure as well as endorphins. Alkaloid methylxanthines in chocolate have been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier and trigger arousal. Another mood regulator, phenylethylamine (PEA) seems to stimulate production of dopamine, the pleasure chemical of the brain.
In order to have a better sex life, it is suggested that you have plenty of fresh fruit and vegtables on hand. More of the essential vitamins and minerals are processed by the body and will have a better effect on your libido than cooking them.
Food is about pleasure, so is sex. Associating the two for Valentine's Day (night) is sure to create the mood for romance.

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