Sunday, February 20, 2011


This blog discusses about three kinds of food that will help put you on the right path to penis enlargement and what makes these food so effective in this aspect.

1. Bananas - Studies have suggested that men who successfully gain inches usually have healthy hearts. It has also shown that the potassium found in bananas aids in the health of the heart health and also help one with proper blood circulation. with this good circulation of blood and a healthy heart, it makes penis growth achievable. Eating bananas will also help keep the body's sodium level low which aids in the prevention of heart diseases and other related heart problems.
2. Salmon - This fish is rich in essential fatty oils such as omega 3. These healthy fatty oils helps in the thinning of the blood (lower viscosity), which in turn aids in the circulation of blood around the body. Research have shown having a healthy blood flow is one of the main factors in achieving stronger, stiffer erections.
3. Onions - Well, many do not know but many of today's top researchers believe that onions are also an essential food for healthy circulation of the blood. It also aids in the prevention of blood clots. This carries a great advantage to increasing the circulation of blood to the heart as well as the penis.
From what we have discussed so far, you could see the trend that having healthy blood flow is a key factor to growing a larger penis and achieving stronger, stiffer erections. While these foods can help, eating them alone is not sufficient for penis growth. In addition to eating these three main foods, work to incorporate more fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains to your diet. At the same time, eliminate process and junk foods from your diet.

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