Friday, February 25, 2011


Male-pattern baldness (also known as Androgenetic Alopecia) is the most common form of hair loss for men, representing up to 90% of all male cases. There are some 40 million male adults in North America today experiencing hair loss. A common condition, alopecia areata usually starts as a single quarter-sized circle of perfectly smooth baldness. Alopecia patches usually regrow in three to six months without treatment. Sometimes, hair grows back in white. In another variant, alopecia can produce two or three bald patches. How do hair loss and balding occur? One mechanism has to do with a chemical in the body, called DHT, which not
only contributes to enlargement of the prostate, but also shrinks and ultimately destroys your hair follicles. The result of too much DHT reaching your hair follicles would thus be thinning hair and even baldness. Preventing this conversion, or inhibiting the action of DHT, is the way in which many methods to prevent and reverse baldness work.
1. Since everybody has their own favorite shampoo, we do not have a special shampoo recipe, but do suggest that you add the following essential oils to your regular shampoo. It is however suggested that you use a mild natural shampoo. The dilution that you should use is as follows, and please do not add more essential oil than specified, as it may cause irritation.
2. Selenium and silicon help improve blood circulation to the scalp, so adequate amounts of these nutrients should be consumed as part of one's diet. The herb stinging nettle is also believed to help ward off hair loss and balding. While the precise mechanisms of its action are not known at the point of writing, consuming some of this herb daily, either via a couple of cups of tea or a little tincture, should be helpful in your efforts to reverse baldness and hair loss.
3. Eggs have always been a very useful natural remedy for helping to stem hair loss. Often it is the case that the yolk of the egg will work best due to the high levels of protein within it. All you need to do is to massage the egg yolk into your scalp and then wash afterward using a regular shampoo.
4. Rosemary oil and almond oil, place in a base of olive oil, can be used for daily scalp massages. This is believed to boost blood circulation to the area in question, thereby encouraging the growth of hair.
5. Vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables, and fortified cereals are common food sources of Vitamin E. Individuals who cannot absorb fat require a Vitamin E supplement because some dietary fat is needed for the absorption of Vitamin E from the gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal disorders that often result in malabsorption of Vitamin E and may require Vitamin E supplementation.
6. Another serious reason why people have this problem is down to dry scalp. Often this can be caused by a lack of water, protein, and iron. A very good treatment that you can do yourself at home to remedy this would be to rub oil into your scalp, and then very gently wash your hair and your scalp with some nonabrasive shampoo

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