Saturday, February 19, 2011


“Nobody is sure why some women have pregnancy food cravings. Some experts say cravings, and their flip side, food aversions, are protective, even if there is no scientific data to back up that theory.” I always thought that with the mix-up of hormones during pregnancy, it was understandable for my wife to have food cravings.
Our concept of paglilihi, however, is broader than food cravings among pregnant women. Paglilihi could also refer to matters or things other than food. We have this notion, regardless of whether such belief is baseless or not, that what a pregnant woman craves somehow has an effect on the unborn child.

A pregnant woman who craves black-colored foods would have a dark-skinned baby. A pregnant woman who likes to look at handsome or beautiful men/women will have a handsome/beautiful baby (and, mind you, the reverse is also believed to be true). The list goes on, and perhaps you could tell us what you’ve actually witnessed. Cravings are something that most women enjoy most about pregnancy.
The first thing you want to always do is to eat a good breakfast. Eating a good breakfast can prevent cravings later in the day, and it is the most important meal of the day. Also look for healthy alternatives. If you are dying for potato chips try eating some soy crisps. Instead of ice cream, try frozen yogurt. If you feel like candy is calling your name, snack on some frozen grapes. If you want something salty try pretzels, or even rice cakes to satisfy that urge. A good substation for soda would be some fruit juice mixed with sparkling water.
One thing that helps is to eat smaller portions, and eat 5 small meals a day. For example in between breakfast and lunch, eat a piece of fruit, this will always keep you satisfied. The worse thing you can do to yourself is allow yourself to get hungry. It will suddenly hit you, and you will literally have to find food NOW. You will feel weak and shaky and feel like you are going to pass out. Eating the fruit in between meals will help with this.
Giving in to your food cravings during pregnancy does not make you a bad person and it is not something you should beat yourself up about and feel guilty about. Cravings are a normal part of pregnancy and denying yourself all the time might make you resent being pregnant. Indulge when you want to, just make sure you make wise choices and do everything in moderation.

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