Sunday, February 27, 2011

McDonalds vs Burger King - Which Is The Better Burger?

With regards to fastfood, McDonald's and Burger King are some of the biggest and most recognized names. These two fast food titans have been in business for well over 50 years. McDonald's made 21.6 billion dollars in revenue this past year while Burger King only took in about 2.06 billion. According to these numbers, some could be tempted to think that Mickey Dee's is clearly ahead here but it does not always mean they make a better hamburger. Let's take a closer look.

We are going to start out with McDonald's in our hamburger series. An average burger from Mickey Dee's weighs about 100g, has 9g of fat, 520g of salt and 31g of carbohydrates. It is created from 100% beef (or so they say). In terms of preparation, they fry their burger over the flat grill for that in house home cooking taste. It comes with ketchup, mustard, pickle and onion and can be personalized to fit your taste.

By comparison, a Burger King hamburger is slightly heavier at 121g, contains 12g of total fat, 560g of salt, and 30g of carbohydrates. They also claim to use 100% beef in their kitchens. Burger King flame-broils theirs, passing on a taste of outdoor barbecue grilling that is very reminiscent of the summer time. BK's burgers come fully dressed with ketchup, mustard and pickle, however their mantra is: "Have it your way!" so you're able to take off many of the condiments and upgrade the sandwich to your heart's content. It costs slightly more than a McDonald's hamburger.

Taking the size into account, the salt content and cost are about the same on both burgers. With respect to vitamins and minerals, there is almost no distinction between the two fast food giants as well.

So Who Has The Better Burger McDonald's or Burger King?

According to our study to date, there appears to be hardly any difference between the two. They are almost comparable. Burger King is slightly ahead if size is a factor (their whopper is heavier than the McDonald's hamburger) or if you are very healthy and are concerned with the nutritional value of the sandwich (Burger King's hamburger has one less gram of carbohydrates in it).

Aside from this, they appear to be equivalent generally speaking. The differences outside of the way the sandwiches are prepared are quite small. So, the answer to the question: "Who produces the better hamburger?" depends on personal taste. Ultimately, it's all about how you like your burger. The good thing is, you can always have it your way.

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