Friday, February 18, 2011


Testosterone is highly important for both men and women. However, men produce around 40 to 60 times more testosterone than women. Normally, testosterone levels in men are about 30% higher in the morning than at night time. This may explain why men are more interested in sex in the morning and is part of the reason for spontaneous morning erections. Low testosterone levels decreases libido, increases the loss of muscles and bone density but most importantly, it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Between 8-12 million men have low or borderline low testosterone.

Here are some tips to provide you better in bed...

• Avoid chemical food preservatives and stay with good fresh fruit, veggies and meats, and nuts!
• Use a zinc supplement and a good rounded multivitamin like POWER vitamin. A medium boiled egg, sprouted grain bread toast, a moderate slice of cheese with an apple and a grapefruit is an amazing energy and good balanced breakfast. The cheese works with the apple, the grapefruit works with the egg.
 • Keep protein high in your eating, and don't drop down to low level protein only, like beans. Keep with good protein. Raw and lightly steamed vegs.
• Sleep and rest is huge, like about 8 hours per night and keep the body well water hydrated!
 • Keep to minimum products with what is called gum in them, as well as nitrate and nitrite preservative, as found high in beef. Those preservative are common saltpeter, which is noted for reducing sex drive. This goes back too, to bacon, ham, canned meat, and dli type meats
• Wear underwear that gives cooling air circulation around your testicles. They do their job best when they are 2 deg. below body temperature. That's why they are outside the body and held away in a sac. Bunching up in tight briefs hinders cooling.
• Vegetables and nuts increase it, and so does some exposure to sunlight.
  Another fun way to maintain a high-energy food diet is to create high-energy drinks. One of the most effective high-energy drinks includes bananas, honey, eggs and milk. The bananas honey and eggs are what give your body the high energy, while the milk helps mix it together to make a delicious 'milkshake' like drink.

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