Monday, February 28, 2011


Do you know you can burn fat faster and help your digestion system by eating slow and at intervals?
Eating slowly help overweight people lose weight because one tends to eat less, instead of overeating at a fast pace.
The Problem: Eating fast without chewing food properly make you eat more calories. Why? Because your stomach does not register how much food you actually intake. This is why you keep eating without feeling full and consuming extra calories. As a result, it causes you stomach problem, such as indigestion, stomach bloating, and naturally you end up having a big stomach.
On the other hand, depriving from food or skipping meals will only slow your metabolism and the ability to burn stored body fat, especially the belly fat. Your body switch into survival mode and slow itself down because it interprets it as a possible famine.
In other words, you will cause your Basal Metabolic Rate decrease, and your body will not want to burn off any excess

Sunday, February 27, 2011

McDonalds vs Burger King - Which Is The Better Burger?

With regards to fastfood, McDonald's and Burger King are some of the biggest and most recognized names. These two fast food titans have been in business for well over 50 years. McDonald's made 21.6 billion dollars in revenue this past year while Burger King only took in about 2.06 billion. According to these numbers, some could be tempted to think that Mickey Dee's is clearly ahead here but it does not always mean they make a better hamburger. Let's take a closer look.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Should you get an IPAD?

Another invention by Apple and Steve Jobs has hit the market. Everyone's talking about the latest Apple product, the Ipad, and I'm sure it's even come up in your household at home. Show I get an Ipad?
First you should think, do I really need this? Do I want it? But then again, it's not one of those typical products. This invention may be similar to the invention of the car, or the airplane. It revolutionizes how we live. Before computers was a thing that required learning, and even some were called nerds. The iPad can be used by a barbaric man 2000 years

Friday, February 25, 2011


Male-pattern baldness (also known as Androgenetic Alopecia) is the most common form of hair loss for men, representing up to 90% of all male cases. There are some 40 million male adults in North America today experiencing hair loss. A common condition, alopecia areata usually starts as a single quarter-sized circle of perfectly smooth baldness. Alopecia patches usually regrow in three to six months without treatment. Sometimes, hair grows back in white. In another variant, alopecia can produce two or three bald patches. How do hair loss and balding occur? One mechanism has to do with a chemical in the body, called DHT, which not

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Cupid cannot always be trusted to aim accurately. By simple planning and incorporating foods that evoke sensual pleasure, Valentine's Day (or night) will be a sure fire hit.
Legend has it, that aphrodisiacs( foods that arouse) refer to the Greek goddess of sexual rapture Aphrodite, mother of Cupid, who is reputed to delighting in pranks and spreading love.
Ancient cultures developed love potion theories believing foods that resembled genitalia led to sexual desire. Foods were sought out for appearance of phallic symbols:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


It should not come as a surprise that what we have for breakfast, lunch or dinner has an effect on how well we think. After all, our brain is very particular about food requirements. If it is possible to boost mind performance through diet, it must definitely be worth a try. So, how would the smart food plan be?
Any eating plan aiming to high mental performance should include the following:
Steady supply of glucose - and this means first, do not skip breakfast; second, eat at regular intervals, and grab a snack when needed to keep glucose levels steady. People who skip breakfast perform worse at work or school.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Man boobs are embarrassing because it can give guys kind of an hour glass figure. It makes them look soft and feminine. Many men find themselves troubled with this issue, and often, they are too embarrassed to do anything about it. This doesn't have to be you, though. No matter what your problem with man boobs are, you'll find that there are solutions that are available to you.
What are two main causes for men growing man boobs or just as commonly known as moobs?
1. In the first group there is a medical condition called gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a hormonal imbalance where the body increases the production of estrogen and decreases the production of testosterone. Many times this can be a side effect of other medications you are taking throwing off your hormone balance. In this case medical advice should be sought after.


Food Eat Chow: FOOD FOR THE BOOB: "To draw the interest of and desire for a even better and fuller breast size in woman is really difficult to resist. Most women reside and di..."


To draw the interest of and desire for a even better and fuller breast size in woman is really difficult to resist. Most women reside and die in on this huge. Reports have it that particularlly women even at an old age still longer to suffer their bosom big and smooth in life. Yes a lady with a ideal and perfectly loaded chest can more easily be attracted to the opposite sex.
As men find it hard to take their eyes and sympathy of a woman with a big breast size. As a result of the obvious gamble which is associated with breast surgeries, the report overly some foods can help increase the size of a woman's breast will be good

Sunday, February 20, 2011


This blog discusses about three kinds of food that will help put you on the right path to penis enlargement and what makes these food so effective in this aspect.


Tikoy or Nián gāo is a type of rice cake made from glutinous rice flour and considered as a centerpiece during Chinese New Year. This is also popularly known as Chinese New Year pudding.
The Philippines is once considered as the melting pot of Asia. People of different origins call it home – including the Chinese. Chinese customs, traditions, and good food were embraced by the Filipino’s and even make it a part of their own.
The legend behind the Tikoy tells about a Kitchen God that observes the behavior of each family for a year. It was said the Kitchen God goes back to heaven before the Chinese New Year to report the findings; a depressing report would mean a year of bad luck for the family. According to the legend, feeding sticky rice cake to the Kitchen God will make it difficult for him to say anything against the family – it will be difficult to speak when his mouth is full and the sticky rice cake will keep his mouth shut.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


“Nobody is sure why some women have pregnancy food cravings. Some experts say cravings, and their flip side, food aversions, are protective, even if there is no scientific data to back up that theory.” I always thought that with the mix-up of hormones during pregnancy, it was understandable for my wife to have food cravings.
Our concept of paglilihi, however, is broader than food cravings among pregnant women. Paglilihi could also refer to matters or things other than food. We have this notion, regardless of whether such belief is baseless or not, that what a pregnant woman craves somehow has an effect on the unborn child.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Embutido is a Filipino style of meatloaf. This filipino food dish is one of the favorite filipino dish that i love to eat especially with the portion of hard-cooked eggs and sausages.
They said that “embutido” means that it is wrapped with the skin of the pig's intestines. But this embutido is just wrapped with an aluminum foil because some doesn't like to eat food that contains internal organs of the animals.
Embutido can be served as cold cuts; lightly pan a sliced pieces or fried the whole then sliced. It is also best that you dip a slice of embutido with your favorite food sauce. As for me, my favorite is the sweet chili sauce or dip it with ketchup. Hmm…delicious... Enjoy!!!


Testosterone is highly important for both men and women. However, men produce around 40 to 60 times more testosterone than women. Normally, testosterone levels in men are about 30% higher in the morning than at night time. This may explain why men are more interested in sex in the morning and is part of the reason for spontaneous morning erections. Low testosterone levels decreases libido, increases the loss of muscles and bone density but most importantly, it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Between 8-12 million men have low or borderline low testosterone.


Nagimas nga salad na panggaldaw wennu pang-rabii. Nagimas nga sabayan itti napudot nga innapoy. Kastoy itti kaykayat ni mamang ko nga lutwen ta ngamid fresh ken healthy. Ipa-puddot u lang bassit dayay parya (ampalaya) itti napudot nga danom


NARUTO - a popular japanese manga in Japan uses ramen as its trademark food. I always saw Naruto eat ramen before he begin his quests. Ramen is a short typical noodle meal exceedingly popular in Japan. It is what is called more than just a quick meal. It was originated in China in 1800s and was brought to Japan. It is the staple dish of Japanese and a new cultural phenomenon. There are many ramen towns and popular ramen shops in Japan. Not to mention, Tokyo is the most famous city for most of the Ramen shops in Japan.


SAUDI FOOD - KABSA. These dishes are mainly made from a mixture of spices, rice (usually long-grain basmati), meat and vegetables. There are many kinds of Kabsa and each kind has a uniqueness about it. Pre-mixed Kabsa spices are now available under several brand names.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


ILOKANO STYLE - "Daytoy ilutok to para idjay asawak misis Dumaguing...manok kano met lang kayat na...ngem kasano ngaruden ken nataba met toy manok..hahah"

What to Eat When Pregnant: Foods for Good Health

Proper nutrition is important for expecting mothers. When you follow a nutritious diet, it increases your likelihood of having a strong, healthy baby. If conflicting advice has got you confused about what to eat when pregnant, follow these simple tips and you can't go wrong.


This night, the recipe on our canteen was a bit different, its called tinolang manok. One of my favorite Filipino Dishes. My mom and my dad always prepare this dish every afternoon or evening. I always go beyond my dinner limit, hehe. "Eto rin ang isa sa pinakagusto ng aking asawa". i love her so much.

Cooking away from your native country is challenging but enjoyable, especially when you are with your love ones. Happy Cooking!

Ingredients :

  • 1 lb. chicken, cut into serving pieces (or any choice cuts of your liking like thighs, drumsticks or wings)
  • 1 thumb-sized fresh ginger root, cut into strips
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 tbsp. patis (fish sauce)
  • salt, to taste
  • 4 to 5 cups water (or rice water – 2nd washing)
  • 2 to 3 sayote (chayote squash), quartered (or green, unripe papaya or potatoes)
  • 1 cup sili (chili) leaves or malunggay or substitute 1/2 lb. spinach
  • vegetable oil
(Cooking Conversion Chart)
Cooking Procedures :
  1. In a medium saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Sauté ginger and garlic until fragrant. Add onions, stir-fry until softened and translucent.
  2. Add chicken cuts. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes until chicken colors slightly. Season with patis and salt.
  3. Pour in water (or rice water, if using). Bring to a boil. Lower the heat and let it simmer until chicken is half-done. Add in chayote (or papaya or potatoes, if using). Continue simmering until chicken and vegetable are tender. Correct seasonings and then addsili leaves or malunggay or substitute. Stir to combine until well blended. Remove from heat.
  4. Let stand for a few minutes to cook the green vegetables. Transfer to a serving dish and serve hot.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why Do We Over Eat?

Overeating is such a big word, It is so general and it can touch almost anybody.
In our community, overeating is almost like a curse.
I believe many of you think of yourselves as overeaters,
But there are different kinds of overeating and different kinds of solutions for them.
The most common overeating example is sweets,
It is not only applied to overweight people but to anyone with a weakness to sweets.
I have been there myself, tasting one little piece of chocolate made me go berserk and eat every sweet thing in sight, luckily I was too lazy to go out and get some more.
The best way to solve this is to never take this first bite,
I know it’s difficult, I’ve been there.
If it’s really hard for you, just forbid all sweets from your home and remove temptation.
Another kind of over eating is emotional eating.
I can assume most of us are familiar with that too.
Emotional eating is when you eat to relieve stress, feel better or out of boredom.
This is a slippery slope, try not to get there if you can.
If you already have emotional eating problems,
You should replace the food with another stress relieving method.
You should try eating sugar free gum instead of eating a sandwich when you know you are only eating emotionally and not out of hunger.
This brings me to the next example, habits.
Bad eating habits can often cause overeating even if you are not aware of it.
For example, if you are used to eat before going to sleep,
You are effectively damage your own dieting efforts.
And it is all just because your used to it, nothing more.
The simple solution is to start and check yourself,
What are you eating? When are you eating? and most importantly:
Why are you eating?
You will notice that you eat for so many reasons while only one of them is hunger.
The last and most complicated overeating example is addiction.
I know some people who define themselves as food addicts.
It is a very tough situation to be in and some of those people really believe they have no power over food.
But it is definitely something you can fix.
You can go to a support group, you can even go to a psychologist.
I even heard of a mother whose refrigerator contains only her diet food and she has different compartments for her husband and kids.
Most cases of overeating can be sorted to one of these four examples.
So try being creative, you know yourself better than anyone else.
You should find out what works for you and do it.
I hope you take action and make a change for yourself, no one will do it for you.
Good luck,
Thanks Man for the know what i


Everytime i go visit my wife's parents house, we would always visit this one place about a kilometer away from house, the lomi house. The first thing i notice everytime we go to this place are the crowd. Geez, there is too much people, "grabe ang daming tao baby!", thats my catch phrase everytime we go there. Once seated, we go ahead and order. "miss, isang JUMBO at SPECIAL LOMI nga po". Once served, that smell came rushing to my nostrils. Grabe ang sarap ng amoy...lomi, with too much sahog. haha, that time i had a great time with my wife. after then i realized im in the toilet..hehe i had too much fun eating BATANGAS LOMI. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I remember my birthday last year, it was simple and had time with my family and my wife (at that time she was still my girlfriend haha). Thanks to you guys. Namis ko ng kumain sa Pilipinas. Nakakabusog at nakakalusog hahah. Highblood na tuloy ako dati. By the way im the guy with long hair. hahah. cut it after. see you again soon guys. I love you baby.


IBAAN, BATANGAS - hayy tulingan, kapag umuuwi kami ng asawa ko sa kanilang bahay sa batangas, lagi kaming napapadaan sa mga carinderia doon sa mga malalapit sa kanila. Masarap na, mura pa, hehe. sabi nga nila "A popular Batangas dish among batangueños is sinaing na tulingan (boiled tuna). The fish once cooked can last for days without refrigeration. Cooked in palayok (earthenware pot) for at least 4 hours."


PALAKA, naalala ko pa dati nung bata ako at kumakain pa ako ng palaka. masarap eto, parang lasang manok. Mas masarap pa nga. Kaso masyado ng mahal ang karne ng palaka ngayon kasi mahirap kumuha s bukid. Gustong gusto ko sanang pakainin ang asawa ko ng ganito kaso ayaw nya hahahaa, nadidiri daw sya.haha, subukan nyo ang palaka, lalo na sa lutong tinola, ginataan, adobo o deep fry hehe.


ILOKANO FOOD - SINIGANG NA HIPON -"Inpadigo da nga sinigang nga ipon. Adda pay nayon na nga 2 ziploc nga fresh....nalagip ko ni lolak iddi adatjay ak pay La Union, namis kon itti mangan itti kastoy nga sidaen hehe."