Tuesday, March 1, 2011


You are what you eat. so the next time you'll interview, What are the foods that will make you alert, calm, focused, and think fast? One of the web has been talking with experts and compiled a list of foods that are important to the success of the interview
Remember, be sure to eat food under at least one hour or an hour and a half before the interview begins to make sure that it is at least partly digested, so the effect on your brain has not been lost.

1. Non Fatty Protein
Although the cake or blueberry muffin Bagel is probably an easy snack you bring before the interview, avoid carbohydrates as much as you. In an MIT study with two groups, one being a breakfast high in protein and the other high-carbohydrate breakfast, the researchers found that two hours after ingestion, carbohydrate group had four times the level of tryptophan, which is higher than the group of proteins.
So if you want to fall asleep during your interview, the protein will help you not sleepy, such as fish, white meat, or eggs. Eating protein helps your body produce two chemicals made from tyrosine, norepinephrine and dopamine. Both chemicals allows the synthesis of neurotransmitters and improve your mental alertness
2. Healthly Fats
Your brain needs a healthy supply of essential fatty acids, or omega-3, to function optimally. Fat is a major building block for brain tissue and helps you stay focused, supplying oxygen to the brain, protecting brain cell membranes, and reduce your chances of dementia, Alzheimer's, stroke and other brain diseases in the future you.
You can only get fatty acids from food because your body does not produce natural fatty acids. So stock up on fish (especially wild salmon), nuts (especially walnuts), olive oil, avocados, and seeds (especially flaxseed). Flax is also the best source of alpha-linoleic acid, a healthy fat that increases the performance of the brain cortex, where your brain to process sensory information.
3. Vegetable Seed and Leaf Green
Although recent research has found that ginkgo biloba does not improve memory, do not worry-B vitamins, like vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid, is proven to help memory, focus, and overall health and strength of your brain. Folic acid, in particular, helps produce red blood cells and increase the sense of your health and mental awareness
Whole grains, like brown rice, is a major source of B vitamins, such as
broccoli, parsley, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. Green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and Swiss chard take folic acid and vitamin K in high quantities which also helps you focus and brain against memory disorders like dementia
4. Coffee
We all know this one-drink coffee is one thing that can keep you awake and alert in the morning. So unless you are very sensitive to
coffee, you should not hesitate to drink coffee before your interview. Researchers have found that coffee increased the short-term memory performance and help increase the capacity of attention and problem-solving skills.
But do not overdo it! Too much coffee will not only make you confused, anxious, nervous, but you'll have to use the bathroom more than a few times, because caffeine is a diuretic. It will only make the interviewer think you are not professional, not ready, and certainly not good candidates for the job.
5. Low-Fat Yoghurt and Nuts
There is a difference between being super thin is ready to interview you and become a mess, nervous anxiety. Coffee may be your liquid energy, but yogurt can improve your courage. How so?
In a study in Slovakia, the scientists doing research, one was given placebo and another one given lysine and arginine. The researchers then asked them to deliver a speech, they found that by measuring blood and stress hormones, subjects who consumed more amino acids calm during and after the speech than those who had taken placebo.
Yogurt is considered as the best food sources of lysine, and beans containing arginine A great combination to enter into the yogurt-nuts almonds or walnuts mixed into vanilla or plain yogurt. fruit yogurt works too!


  1. Great tips! I must say that I really learned something new here on how to prepare for an interview job.

  2. no problem, it is a must for everybody to prepare for an interview that is all well prepared and "stomach is full". thanks for the comment
