Wednesday, March 2, 2011


With the growing popularity of sushi in North America, more sushi restaurants are opportunity their doors to customers. Ranging from authentic Japanese sushi to Americanized sushi, sushi is obtainable in places that many persons would not usually expect, including grocery stores. Gone are the days where sushi could only be seen in ethnic communities or high end, specialty restaurants. Because of the growing popularity of sushi, the average person is learning the proper way to eat sushi, as well as finding appreciation for sushi in all of its forms.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


You are what you eat. so the next time you'll interview, What are the foods that will make you alert, calm, focused, and think fast? One of the web has been talking with experts and compiled a list of foods that are important to the success of the interview
Remember, be sure to eat food under at least one hour or an hour and a half before the interview begins to make sure that it is at least partly digested, so the effect on your brain has not been lost.